Warming up the tubes using a tuner may not necessarily lead to putting on an album

Since converting from a solid-state amp to a vacuum tube amp I generally turn the system on and have the pre-amp selector set to the FM vacuum tuner. I run the tuner from anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour before putting on an album to warm up the tubes. I fully intend to listen to an album. A lot of times, perhaps half of the time, I just continue to enjoy classical music from the NPR station for hours or for the entire day and evening.

This behavior somewhat puzzles me. My system is in the loft, above the living room and great sonics permeate the entire house. I do have a dedicated sweet spot in the loft for critical listening but generally, I’m not sitting up there when the tuner is on. My album discography is 60% rock, 35% jazz, 5% classical.

Does anyone else engage in this behavior?

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