Warmed cleaning fluids

While i was doing dishes the other day and i had a idea to try heating my AIVS cleaning solutions before i apply them to the record. I thought well warm or hot water works better for cleaning your dishes or your car, i wonder if warm cleaning fluids would be better for cleaning albums. Now i don't mean to the boiling point but just warm the cleaning fluid by setting the bottle in hot water for 5 min. before it is used.
I have not tried it yet but does anyone know if this would ruin the enzyme cleaning fluid?

Showing 1 response by mab33

Sounds like a great idea to me. Strange that this never occured to me:-). Especially since I've been thinking about the whole steaming idea. No idea whether it would effect the enzymes, but my first thought is that it would help speed up their action. No time to try tonight, but it seems like a good experiment if nothing else...