W4S STI-1000 what IC and power chord?

I use STI-1000 and Signalcable silver ref, magic power chord to cdp and a unknown brand power chord.
The STI power chord i use now, sound smoother and has wider soundstage than signalcable power chord (at the amp).
But i look to try another power chord and IC.
I notice more difference on power chords with this amp than any of previous combos which have been, Gryphon, Plinius, Krell.
I mainly look for a more creamy, golden glow in the mid, and smoother top end with deep down low bass detail.
As for now, i think i have a bit of, overly dry sound.
Mid could have more warmth and glow and treble could be soften but not losing detail.

I have looked at some IC's from: Cardas, Purist, Transparent and MIT. Though, some very expensive, some better priced.
I am a bit laidback on cable buys, mostly due to prices and risks of expensive trial and error vices.
Would not want to end up with a boomy or to recessed cable clipping on dynamics.
Users of especially STI amps, and even the power and pre amp combo users. What do you use, in terms of IC's and power chords?
My speakers are very vivid and very open.
For instance, using Signalcable power chord ay STI-1000 is sharp sounding in my system.

Showing 1 response by stringreen

I made my own and couldn't be happier. Check VHAudio.com. I am using Accrolink cable with Oyeida 046 or Furutech F1 plugs at each end. Some of my components like the Oyeida better, some like the Furutech better...if I switch them around, they don't sound as good ....go figure.