VPI RCM Vacuum Wand Velvet Strips

Ok Folks, I know VPI doesn't sell these but places like Disc Doctor does. Still not very cost inexpensive if you ask me. And I'm in disagreement with mintlp's Yip's method of replacment, by Gluing on any such strips. Problem is, how do you then get these off when they are shot?

From what I understand, some manufacturer, which I thought it was 3M, who makes this material, but still web-searching has prooved fruitless. I would imagine this same similar material is also used on Mo-FI/Disc Doctor Brush Pads.

Does anyone know of a better, less expensive source for this material? I'm thinking at the right source, $15-$20 worth of this material should be enough to virtually supply everybody on Agon who has a VPI RCM! Mark

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