Von Schweikert VR1 against Spendor 3.5

I think this 2 of the best mini monitors under 2000, Im trying to decide for one so any help would be great.
My system is all tube, power CJMV50, pre SFL-1, CD Rotel 991, and DAC CAL Alpha.
I used to have a pair of Triangle Celius 202, the 2 year old series not the new one. And my system lacked of musicality and soundstage. Now, I have tried the Vr1s and IM impressed with the soundstage and depth. But I think I have lost some dynamics. I can notice listening to rock.
I havent listen to Spendor because here in Peru we dont have autorized dealer. So any help to decide between the Vr1s and the Spendor 3.5 is greatly apreciated.

Showing 1 response by bignerd100

I have the VR-1's. I have auditioned the Spendor 3/5's and 3/1's extensively. THe 3/1's have been a favorite speaker of mine for some time. As stated above the retail prices on all Spendor speakers have gone up because the Pound is whipping the Dollar.

The VR-1's are just a bigger bang for the buck right now. They have more air around instruments and greater high frequency extension.

THe Spendors are easier to listen to for long periods of time. THe Spendors are in many respects a better speaker. But, they are more expensive.

The VR-1's sound good with more equipment. They sound very good even with cheap Sony receivers.

Good luck!