Vinyl recordings - best methods

Hi there
I would like to draw your attention here:
Maybe, now, there are even better recorders, out there.
Yet a big part of the picture is, do the best with what you have.
We need more discussion with updates on how to do the best recordings.

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

Showing 1 response by vinylvalet

I’m planning on the same one day. I’ve heard good things about the M2Tech Joplin Mk2 (~$1.6k). I think this is what Michael Fremer uses in his system. In the under $1k category, the RME Babayface Pro has received positive comments.

If I had unlimited funds, I'd go with the Channel D Pure Vinyl software and Seta L or H (depending on your cartridge type). Looks like the ultimate recording system plus you end up with a world class phono stage. I've heard that doing the RIAA in the digital domain is unbeatable for accuracy compared to passive components resulting in digital recordings that sound better than the vinyl. I'm guessing that RIAA in the digital domain also would give you most if not every RIAA option, very useful if you are archiving pre 60s discs.