Vinyl Cleaning Fluid for VPI RCM

I have a VPI HW 17. I had been using Torumat fluid. I had 2 gallons I bought a few years ago and just recently ran out. It seems they must be out of business because I can not find it anywhere. If you know a source, can you let me know? If its not available, can you give me recommendations on a commercial cleaner that you like with the VPI or other machines(I don't want to mix my own concoction). Thanks for any input.

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EDTA's chemical name is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Dow Chemical's brand name is Versene; there are a handful of other manufacturers. EDTA and its'salts (Disodium and Trisodium EDTA) are used extensively in the personal care, food, and water treatment industries. It's primary functions are that of preservation and chelation. Preservatives and chelating agents are chosen primarily on the ph range in which they function. For example carbonated beverages (check your can of Coke or Pepsi), because of their low ph, are preserved almost exclusively with sodium benzoate which is fucnctional only up to a ph of 4. Foods and personal care products with higher ph's use a variety of other chemical including potassium sorbate, EDTA, nitrates, propionates, etc.
EDTA is harmless and effective.