Vinyl Cleaning Fluid for VPI RCM

I have a VPI HW 17. I had been using Torumat fluid. I had 2 gallons I bought a few years ago and just recently ran out. It seems they must be out of business because I can not find it anywhere. If you know a source, can you let me know? If its not available, can you give me recommendations on a commercial cleaner that you like with the VPI or other machines(I don't want to mix my own concoction). Thanks for any input.

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Showing 1 response by dan_ed

Rackdoctor, I don't see what difference this makes. Can you tell me what Trisodium EDTA is and what it is supposed to do to my records? To my ears it has only improved the sound I get from my vinyl. RRL says that they add it as a preservative. I'm assuming that is to keep mold and perhaps bacteria from growing in the stuff while it sits on the shelf. I'm also pretty sure that both RRL and hand cream share another chemical, that would be water. But I don't see the reasoning that if both contain a certain compound then it automatically can't be good for vinyl cleaning.

I don't know what you and your dealer did/heard/saw/smelled/whatever, but I do know that RRL record cleaning products have worked extremely well for me and the overwhelming majority of people who have tried it. Perhaps Torumat is even better than RRL, I don't kow 'cause I've never tried it.

But I will tell you this, you can't build a market for any product just based on trashing the competition. The responses you're getting here should explain why this doesn't work, especially in the case of RRL that does have a very loyal customer base. Good luck to you.