Vinyl cleaning and alcohol


What is the latest truth about alcohol being harmful or not harmful to vinyles?
I'v read that yiu should never use alcohol in the cleaning solution because of "this and that". I've never read anyone saying; "I've destroyed all my vinyls due to alcohol in the cleaning solution". On the other hand I have read several posts saying that they have been using alcohol for 5, 10 even 20 years without hearing any degeneration of the vinyles.

I got worried after have been cleaning all my best old vinyles with Okki Nokki cleaning fluid, so I searched the net for facts. I found hypotheses why alcohol is harmful and statements that it's not.

So what is the truth? 

Showing 4 responses by bdp24

I load the reservoir in my HW-17 with pure water for final rinsing, squirting cleaning fluid onto the LP from a handheld bottle. The VPI was the first record cleaner I found that satisfied my expectations and desires (the Nitty Gritty had failed). I started with a Cecil Watts Preener in 1968, graduated to the original Discwasher when it was introduced in the early 70's, which sufficed until the first affordable RCM's appeared in the 80's iirc. I didn't have the dough for a Keith Monks back then.
I believe goofyfoot accidentally left out the word "not" between is and recommended. 

What's are "vinyles"? Oh, you mean LP's. Yes, LP's are made of vinyl. Do we call our car tires "rubbers"? I for one don't. We older guys reserve that term for a different product.

If you clean your LP's once after acquisition on a vacuum-type cleaning machine (VPI, Nitty Gritty, Keith Monks, etc.), and the alcohol-containing fluid is on the LP for only 30 seconds or so, what's to fret about? 

For those wanting an alcohol-free cleaning fluid, the good folks at Brooks Berdan Ltd. (specifically Sheila Berdan and Joe Knight) have reintroduced the TM-8 RCM cleaning fluid developed by a chemist friend of Brooks' back in the 1980's. Sheila and Joe are calling it Groovy Solutions, and it's good stuff. I have some of the original left in a gallon jug, right next to my drinking alcohol.