Velcro as Acoustic Isolation?

So, I'm wondering what folks think about using Velcro as speaker/component vibration treatment, e.g., as a damper, decoupler, isolator?  I don't think it would qualify as a coupler in the acoustic sense (just in the binding sense).  In my set-up, I have some bookshelf speakers on stands which are spiked through the carpet, and having 1" thick marble top plate attached to the base with heavy duty velcro at the corners and the center to keep the marble tight.  Aside from working very well to keep the marble plate to the base, there is a lot of surface area with the hooks and loops intertwining; and it seems to me that any vibration getting from the floor up to the base to the velcro would face a lot of mechanical dispersion in the velcro before it got the the marble (or the speakers which have another layer damping them from the marble).  As you might guess, I'm more interested in decoupling my speakers, which have plenty of tight bass by themselves, from the floor.  

What do you think?  Has anyone else used Velcro in that application or in some other way to treat components?  
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Showing 3 responses by slaw

You could set aside the marble for any added height the Stillpoints might bring.

Stillpoints on the used market are like a bank. If you decide to sell, you'll not likely lose much at all.
Actually, I think the way you're currently using it, it's acting more as a decoupleer.

I have thought about it but not very long.

I know we want to find inexpensive ways to accomplish our goals. Unless you're willing to try springs, I'm a fan of the Stillpoints SS which is a coupler/decoupleer all in one. Used isn't a bad deal.