Vandy 2WQ balanced crossover question

I just bought a 2WQ (here), which I am trying to dial in. I hope this question is not too lame. My issue is that I have balanced IC's, but the fixed value crossovers that I know about (and Richard recommends getting fixed value crosswovers) are for single-ended IC's. So, what are my options? I would prefer to keep my balanced SR IC's, which I am happy with.

Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by davemitchell

Just to clarify and correct the above info:

You need a pair of Vandersteen Balanced X-2 filters which are custom made to match the PER LEG value of your amplifier's input impedance. [example: your amp might have an input impedance of 100K ohms PER LEG, also referred to as 200K ohms balanced (sum)]

The other option is the more expensive variable Balanced M5HP filters which will work with nearly any amplifier. Note that on these, the setting is based on the SUM OF THE TWO LEGS of your amp's input impedance. [using the above example the setting would for the same amplifier would be 200K ohms]

I'm a Vandersteen dealer.