Vandy 2WQ balanced crossover question

I just bought a 2WQ (here), which I am trying to dial in. I hope this question is not too lame. My issue is that I have balanced IC's, but the fixed value crossovers that I know about (and Richard recommends getting fixed value crosswovers) are for single-ended IC's. So, what are my options? I would prefer to keep my balanced SR IC's, which I am happy with.

Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by bikecommuter

Rex and Kjweisner--

Thanks for your advice. I will probably look for a while to see if I can get the variable crossover here, but otherwise I will contact a dealer and get a fixed value piece made up.

I am enjoying the sub already. I just cued up the recent Ondine Philadelphia Orchestra cd with Olivier Latry
inaugurating the new organ with Barber, Poulenc, and Saint Saens -- nice.

Thanks again.
