Vandy 2CE versus Hales 3

Thinking of upgrading my Vandys, they are not the sig. Will I get a real noticebale difference with the Hales 3. Any other suggestions also appreciated. Plan on spending around 2500. Thank you. Rick

Showing 1 response by lihifiguy

I have the Revelation 3 speakers in a 22k system and they do an incredible job in all areas .Well matched top components and top speaker, power and interconnect cables allow them to really show off.I would have to spend considerable more (which I am not prepared to do for now)at least 5-6 k in the used market ,to appreciate a noticeable improvement.Read the reviews at audio review and disregard the 3 or 4 low scores entered by idiots.Reading them will prove my point.Also read the review at audio revolution. Happy hunting.