Vandersteen 5 HP Filter settings for RCA unit

I need to get the Vandersteen Model 5 High Pass Filter settings. I misplaced the tops to my filters and would like to know the correct settings. Thank you in advance. If anyone lives in New Jersey that could lend me their RCA HP filter for a day, I could measure the setting on your units versus mine to confirm, that would be great.

Happy Listening.

Showing 2 responses by jbrrp1

I have the RCA M5-HP filters, and here is what they read:

470K = 3,6 (PID switches to turn ON)
300K = 4,5
200K = 3,5
150K = 6
100K = 5
75K = 4
50K = NONE
33k = 1,3,8,10
20k = 1,4,6,7,10
15k = 1,3,7,10
10k = 1,10
5k = 1,2,9,10

I hope that is enough to help!
That is pretty bizarre. My RCA filters definitely show just what I posted above, and it seems to completely disagree with what the photo in your referenced ad shows.

I also have a set of XLR filters, and they read something entirely different from either of the two RCA examples.

I am not sure what you should do, other than measure the voltage output at the speaker to verify (the Vandersteen manual does a nice job of explaining that process). Then you will KNOW your are getting the correct roll-off.