Upgrade my DAC or buy more weed?

So I was just listening to Bad Company (Live) "No Smoke Without a Fire" at near deafening levels (about 94db at my seat), the REL G1 was pumping away... it sounded like I was actually at the effing concert... and I am POSITIVE my neighbor was hearing what was going on as well... and I was wondering if I really should be thinking about upgrading to a better DAC or if those funds might be better invested on more weed? 

It seems like more and more lately, that when I am baked on a heavy Indica like Bubba Kush, Blackwater or AK-47, that I seem to "get" the music more and enjoy the listening session more.  Also, it seems that I become more open to different types of music as well.  Likely the same with musicians and song writers... they probably create some of their best work when they are high.

Just wondering I guess about dumping more money into system upgrades or just leave it as is and keep on smokin' ?

Showing 5 responses by czarivey

modern weed doesn't have to be smoked, it can be vaporized via similar e-cig with THC filled capsules. also there's muchmuch more THC products instead of conventional herbs that are much safer for lungs.

also before i switched to e-THC ones I smoked hashish by rolling very small balls into the glass pipe with screen. it only takes one little drag to get what needed.

this way no substantial nicotine and/or no tar is consumed and feels darn great.
i'm pot head and i don't smoke cigarettes. i use vaporizer. one $50 capsule is good enough for 2 weeks+ and a little over $100 is good enough for whole month.

also whoever is saying about memory losses and other negative things THC does probably read about it in some 'approved' media sources which most of the time are full of cwap and connected to our beloved government's "War On Drugs". all wars especially in 21st century is widely AND strongly supported by PROPAGANDA. propaganda is always based on 'most will blindly believe to what they've been told' .

Hey, long story short, even in illegal states, when laws don’t get along with common sense, common sense will always dominate no matter how tough the laws are. Even despite khalifat sheria or tough death penalties of Indonesia -- won’t help won’t stop. Been to Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Cannabis stuff is accessible there to use mostly as hashish so it’s easier portable and has less smell.

I’ve got chronic insomnia (been through sleeping only 25 hrs per MONTH) and nasty and unproductive mood swings connected to that. I was once advised to go to doctor who more than half-hour explained to me why I should get Celexa and Xanax prescribed over a decade ago and how it works on human nerve system. I’ve got his point, politely shut his mouth and chosen to stick to the common sense. I get sleep well -- I will get rid of depression and will be productive and fruitful every day of my life. One or two drags daily keeps me normal -- no need for anti-depressants.
If anyone would call it ’addiction’ or ’system’ -- they’re just words and words don’t count. End result is what counts words and symbols for those who believe laws are right and common sense is not.

PS. I wish my president was similar to Justin Trudau. I wish people don't vote for Trump because they don't want Hillary or visa versa and use their OWN brain and COMMON SENSE.
roxy54, have you ever had business with those that use Xanax? It's deadliest prescription drug that gradually eliminates recovery functions of brain irreversible. You can call it express to schizophrenia.
in hippies life drug of almost any kind often accossiated with peace.
you must be than a different specie. 
I lasted nearly 5 days without single hour of sleep time, but definitely exchausted and ordered supply to help me go to bed peacefully. Weed first, than DAC or any type of equipment.