Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


You don’t even have enough research skills to even know where that article came from.

Are you referring to the German study that you hung your Federalist hat on?
That got laughed out of publication........?

Party on, Garth!

Second i dont negate Russian and chinese propaganda EXISTENCE..

Pick a place, Fletcher.  You’re very confused. Very confused.

Some people have strange definitions of "fact".

Kind of like how others redefine "insurrection" as "patriotism".



I'm still not clear.

Is vaxxing a means that the government has to exert control over the population?

To what end besides saving lives?

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?


No. Turn off your CNN type news channel and do your own research. 

My writings and belief will not wake up those who are in a deep coma from fear and fake news. 

4 jabs then 4 more and remember your booster. 

Ban Ivermectin and HCQ and take your 33 jabs and 75 boosters.

It would be great if we could talk and have conversation. But we cannot. We cannot talk and we will not agree. So what are the choices? A nation divided against itself cannot stand. Maybe the saddest part is that one group wishes bad on the other. Here’s some

I would be happy that you are not vaccinated. Good riddence. I won’t reply as you are not worth the bytes and energy. hope your life is short

This has been ongoing for years. Nothing new, except now that side is enboldened to say it. I don’t really care about myself. I’m 70 and have lived a very good life. I can’t imagine Anyone who has had more fun than I. Life owes me nothing, I’m thankful to have had the freedoms I have had. But i can’t imagine freedom spreading or even surviving when we wish death on someone with whom we disagree.

BTW, IF the above is offensive to some here, then pay it no mind. it would be nice to take time to really think. but thats a lot of work for some