Two terms I don't understand - please explain


I've read through this forum as well as forums on other sites and there are two (2) terms that I don't understand: "Slam" and "Prat" when discussing turntables, cartridges, etc.

Could someone kindly explain to this idiot what they actually describe?

Thanks and regards,


Showing 1 response by caspermao

I only want to see those terms banned in audio discussion, especially in professional reviews, just because they've become lazy cliches. They've become shorthands for the times when the reviewers need crutches. How many times have you read a review that had some reviewer saying great slam or great prat, and at the end, had no fricking idea how the component actually sounded? Too many, at least in my experience. A part of the reason why you can't take some of these reviewers too seriously as legitimate critics.