TW-Acustic Raven AC3 latest version vs older

There are allot of owners of this table and AC along with others whom I'm sure can chime in with information and findings.

My understanding is the latest version of this table has gone threw some changes over the years and at least one of these can't be applied if you have an older table. (bearing)

-CONTROLLER UNIT, latest had TW engraved in the face plate. I have read that some prefer the older version, care to elaborate further.
Also some are using the Black Knights, care to elaborate on the sonic differences.


-ISOLATION FEET, anyone notice what effects these offer
also some have gone with the same ones used on the Black Knight

-MOTORS, I have three. I noticed viewing some other owners that the construction they seem to have less stainless steel base, anyone notice any diffferences sonically, if so what.

Some are using the Black Knights motor, what have you noticed to be the difference sonically

-BEARING, this is much more involved so not just an easy switch or ad on, my understanding you need a new platter etc. much more involved. The bearing is a different size and has isolation of some sort, tighter toilerances which in the end offers less noise.
If anyone has pictures or can elaborate better would be great and to see.
You can pm me personally if this is your preference.

Showing 9 responses by ebm

Hi Ask Jeff of Highwater sound dont know the combo arm and wire beat my old wire that was $3800.00 which was a seperate cable.
Be a sport order a BLACK NIGHT from HIGHWATER SOUND then you will have the latest and the best.
Battery is much better quieter depends on your system and ac lines. In my system its day and night.
THE TW ACUSTIC 10.5 arm Would be a big upgrade.It was much better than my old arm.Thanks enjoy.
Hi, Im using Transfigurations best. Arm better bass faster better imaging wider stage much more dynamic better highs cleaner better midrange.I have tried other arms this arm is in a class by itself works great with TW RAVEN AC table im sure it would work great with any great table. Thanks
My cartridge is TRANSFIGURATION ORPHEUS with is very musical fast with wonderful depth stage macro and micro dynamics in the TW 10.5 arm sounds breathtaking.Happy New Year to all my TW ACUSTIC tuntable people be well.
Blackburn thats only your opinion which by the sale of Black Knight and AC1 and 3 is very large.I own AC1 it was much better then my old top of the line table. what do you own?