Tubes for VTL 7.5

VTL 7.5 owners I'm looking for some idea's on new tubes for my VTL 7.5.
Search for a pair of Siemens E83CC(triple mica) or ECC803S tubes from the sixties. The 803S was a specially selected tube for the German Telephone Service, but you'll still want them(or whatever you buy) screened/certified pre-amp grade. You might try a pair of these: ( An excellent tube and Kevin's tube testing/screening/burn-in procedures are second-to-none. No connection, other than a very happy customer. Too bad he doen't have any Siemens tubes. I've purchased a number of great Siemens tubes from this eBay seller(located in Germany): ( You might check with him with regards to your needs.
I've been using the NOS Mullard tubes in my VTL 7.5 they are a pure pleasure.
With the Series I, if you're looking for the _Ultimate_ in transparency and dynamics, IMHO go for an original NOS pair of Telefunken ECC803S or ECC802S (lower gain, less audible tube "rush" if you're a nearfield listener, but less dynamic than the 803).

They won't come cheap though, a good pair of 803S will set you back about a grand and a half. The 802S about half that.

If you're not keen on spending that much, a good NOS Tesla ECC803S pair will come close, though not nearly as transparent IMHO.
I agree with Mr A with regards to the Teles. They were also manufactured to satisfy the German Telephone Service's needs(picky in the extreme), and specially selected for "low noise". The Siemens will outperform the Teslas though in realism. The Mullards, Brimars, Ediswan tubes will all impart the "warmth"/colorations that you are trying to avoid. If you don't skimp in this purchase: You'll never regret it! BTW- The Teles and Siemens are 10kHr tubes, so- they will probably outlast your ownership of the pre.