Tubes for the BAT VK5i

I just got a BAT VK-5i here on audiogon and I'm very impressed with the unit. I hat d the tubes tested, though and they're about done for. I'm looking for tubes that will accentuate bass and detail/resolution. I'm figuring that the preamp's medeocre bass response is due to the very old tubes (they test about 58 % of new--time to go!)

I know this is going to be a big deal, but I need some ideas--and I also need to know wh. Suggestions?

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Showing 1 response by georgemg

I changed to amperex 7308 white label, and tungsol 5881, I spent $600, but the result was fenomenal, a impressive change in qaulity of sound, sweet and a full bass., some time I tried a inexpensive jan phlips 6922, but the result was poor. You can see that almost all bat vk5i woners recomend amperex and tungsol, these tubes make another kind of preamlifier.
Good luck