Tube dampers?

How much sonic improvement, if any, do tube dampers offer? I've got a Rogue Tempest Magnum. I've seen various versions, (brass on Mapleshade) for instance.

Showing 1 response by garfish

I found Herbie's Hal-O tube dampers (Teflon I think) to make a very noticeable improvement when used on the tubes (NOS 6922 Sovteks, and apparently "micro-phonic) in My SF Line 2SE. The Hal-Os dampened a low treble "tizziness" that showed up as excess brightness and/or glare. These dampers are so effective that I could actually fine tune sound-- best music quality was at 1/2 way down the tube for me. I highly recommend these dampers, and Herbie advertizes here on A'Gon if you're interested. Cheers. Craig