Too much bass even in large room...?

I recieved the phone call, from friend of mine, and complaining of "...too much bass in his new room"(boomy and sloppy) The size is 14.5X24X15(catedral ceiling). His "gear" is Canton LR-1(?),(large fl.stander with 2X8"woofer) Plinius 250 mk iii, Muse Model II (pre) and Sony CD (?) $3000 one! The room is consider large. So i don't know why "bass" would act-up? Any idea? Thanks! (he moved from the appartment into the house)

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

highend has the right idea but i wouldn't necessarily follow the "5-foot rule." check out george cardas' site for a great article on "room setup." BTW, george's webpage is a little like his bennotonesque ads; you'll find what your looking for under "insights."