Tonearms for a Basis 2001?

Hi, all.

I just picked up Basis 2001 with the RB-300 arm. I am debating whether to upgrade with the Incognito wiring or save my duckies for a new arm altogether.

What are some good arms to look for short of the VECTOR (which runs $2,400) or a Graham 2.2? Are there any $1,000 or less arms that really rock with the Basis? $2,000 or less?

Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by aaird

I had the 2001 with an RS Labs A1 Tonearm. These are $900 new, and about $500 used. Best arm in the world for $500 if you can find one used, but all manual and hard to use without damaging your stylus. Worth it though.
