To turn off or not to turn off

That is the question. I have always left my components on, because I heard that they would pay me back with greater reliability. The theory goes that electric/electronic hardware takes a big hit every time it is turned on.

However, I don't listen to the equipment through the night. And the equipment is using electricity and converting it to heat while idling. Besides the waste, would it be better for the equimpent to be turned off when not in use?

What do you think?

Dan C.

Showing 1 response by raybyrne

Couldn't agree more. Some people have strange ideas. Sure enough your gear needs to warm up but leaving it on all the time is a recipe for frequent and expensive re-tubing or worse.
1. Turn system on and take dog for a walk so you don't have to listen to cold system.
2. Wear ear plugs for first 20 minutes.
3. Play your least favourite LP or CD 'cause it always sounds crap anyhow.