To preamp or not to preamp?...that is the question


I'm looking to change my CD setup. I'm considering getting a CD player with a digital volume so I can connect it directly to my amp. What are the pros and cons of bypassing the preamp? What CD players have the volume control capability (I know Wadia does)? My preamp is Innersound ( a very transparent preamp), Innersound ESL amp, Innersound Isis speakers.
Thanx for your input.

Showing 1 response by joeabrams

Check out the Theta Miles (about $1200 used), the Mark Levinson 39 (not sure if the model # is correct) or the Spectral SDR 1000 (about $2500-$3500 used)

If you want to drive an amp directly, this kind of unit works best if you can keep the length of the interconnect relatively short -- not over ten ft -- otherwise you start losing dynamics & impact; music can start sounding "homogenized."
Best of luck,