Tin Foil Hat Audio

As I read the discussions about questionable tweaks I often have to remind myself that just because I can’t hear it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no instrument capable of objectively quantifying a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no generally accepted physical mechanism to account for a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

I think I owe an apology to psychics, mediums, and witches among others. Maybe they also perceive things I just can’t. 

Is it shiny side in or out when making a tin foil hat? How many layers? 

Showing 1 response by barts

Equality is a wonderful quality.  As far as I know it is strictly a math concept.  Therefore, there can be no equality outside of math, read that as "everything makes a difference". So, to be redundant, anything I change in my system makes a difference.  This has been readily apparent to me even as a teenager building crazy multi-speaker systems much to my parents chagrin (it was the 60's).

There is much snake-oil out there.  Your job is to figure out where your particular "sweet spot" is. Cables that are priced at $65K strikes me as well over-the-top.  But, I couldn't care less that someone has a system that shows its not insane to purchase them.  I don't have that system, not sure where I would end up if I had unlimited dollars at my disposal. 

As an aside, I feel some empathy for persons who are constantly evaluating their listening skills as it relates to their system.  Seemingly listening for the "weakness".  Been there, done that, past it.  Now its all about the music to me.  

What a great hobby.

Regards, Barts.  President, Department of Redundancy Department.