The Music Room - Boulder Colorado

This vendor has a lot of favorable comments - but I have had a very unfavorable experience with them this Dec 2019. I have sent all my trade items & $400 via PayPal to them (per our email agreement) - all of which The Music Room has been confirmed to have rec’d. Despite my many emails they do not get back to me on the status of my trade shipment of a Rega turntable. I have called them multiple times - I cannot recommend that you deal with The Music Room, and currently I do not believe that they are legit. If they don’t make right in the next day or so I will have to file a complaint with the BBB.
Ag insider logo xs@2xlarsa39

Showing 2 responses by tomic601

Great that Josh the owner weighed in and helped. With twenty employees TMR is bigger than most of the firms that OEM our beloved gear... not an excuse just reality.

i will also say as a TMR fanboy they have a foam in place packing system and sturdy shipping boxes, gear  sold without factory box arrives intact !
TMR very legit and growing by leaps and bounds. I have at least ten buy/sell transactions with them, all flawless less shipping damage not due to them. Rob takes great care of me there.
hope this resolves