The Miller Carbon Story

Had a real nice conversation this morning with Origin Live’s Mark Baker. Mark makes some of the very best turntables on the planet and I was interested to learn more. This was our first conversation and so he was interested in me as well. This reminded me of others who have asked.   

The following story is only superficially about the Miller Carbon. The larger and I would say more important subtext is you can do it too! Please dear reader note the number of times something was tried not knowing whether or not it would work. Like all things in life: The more things you try and the more effort you put into it the better you get at it.

The Miller Carbon Story

My first turntable was a Technics SL-1700 with Stanton 681-EEE. It was 1976. Still have that turntable, anyone can see it, right there on my system page. Rack on the right. Bottom shelf.  

Next, after college, came the Listening Room and with it a new turntable. This was way before the internet. All we had was Stereophile On Dead Tree. After reading all the reviews it came down to a VPI package or Basis/Graham. What to do? Cast your mind back, way back, to the primitive past. I faxed my question to Stereophile.  

Michael Fremer called me back!   

The Basis/Graham was my own decision. Fremer didn’t talk me into anything. Quite the opposite. He was a source of much useful information that helped me make up my own mind. So it was that I learned early on from Michael Fremer what it is that a reviewer really is supposed to do: provide the reader with the information they need to make their own informed decision.  

My first high end mod was to remove the cheap rubber power cord from the Basis motor and replace it with an inexpensive power cord. Cheap, but proven to be better than all the freebie PCs and I wanted to find out if it made any difference on a turntable motor.  

It did! Same exact improvements heard on the other components it had been tried on before. How or why, who knows, but I heard it. Other mods followed. Different belt materials were used. Silk, cotton, floss. Each had its own influence on the sound. Fascinating!  

This was all part of the process of investigating turntable performance in order to upgrade. Easy to read about different materials, mass, motors, bearings- but what does it all mean in the real world? This was my way of figuring it out for myself.  

Teres Audio seemed to be the value leader. A complete turntable was too expensive, but the motor could be added to the Basis with only a slight modification for the speed sensor. When this worked out extremely well it gave me the confidence to go for the platter and bearing.  

But what about the plinth? Around this time I was working with DJ Casser and his Black Diamond Racing Shelf. His Shelf material was so much more effective than acrylic, it had to make a better plinth too. After a good deal more planning a BDR Source Shelf was cut into a unique sort of egg shape. Another piece was cut 4” diameter, drilled and tapped to be used as the nut to hold the bearing. Two more pieces about 3 inches in diameter were cut and stacked to make the tone arm mount. Three Round Things with Cones were screwed into the bottom of the plinth. The Miller Carbon was born.

Thanks, edgyhassle. It was very methodical. First a PC. Then a belt. Both of which cost nothing but time. Then the motor. Another small step. Also each step was one change only. Same table, same everything else, so it is clear what does what.

It goes on like this. Battery power supply. Same motor, only the power supply changes. Ability to run battery connected or disconnected from AC charger. So effect of RFI in AC is demonstrated and learned.

Graham arm is upgraded to Origin Live Conqueror. Same table. Same Benz Glider. Only the arm changed- and it was YUGE! 👍 Upgraded the VTA. Upgraded the upgrade to the VTA. Built our own calibration, added that, enables precisely repeatable VTA. On and on. One methodical step at a time.

No one single thing was a game changer. Each one simply moved the dial one tiny little bit more the way we want it to go. Another thing Mark Baker told me, all the little things, they really add up.
Its all about you and your journey of trying to convince people that the cheaper stuff you have is the best out there. Origin makes OK turntables with their rebuilt Rega arms. Again, just like your speakers, just because you talked to somebody doesn't make the equipment the best on the planet or make you seem more of an audiophile. A lot of us have talked to a number of reviewers in the past, I have talked to many at the different CES/RMAF/and other audio shows, not a big deal.
If you want to look at some of the best TT's on the planet, check out TechDas, Clearaudio, Brinkman and if you want to go cheaper, check out Kronos and VPI.  If you want the best tonearms, check out Graham, VPI, Brinkman, Clearaudio TT series. 
You really have to stop saying what you have or what you think is the best, it isn't.
Don’t think MC said it was the best or better than all others. Actually he said it’s all about being intentionally curious and learning through trying various upgrades and tweaks. That is the point of this thread really!  Being intentional about getting better sound out of our systems through open minded and relentless improvements. 
Dear p05129, Some would add and/or subtract from your lists of bests, too.  It's inevitable.  I don't agree with MC on his approach, but he is just talking about his approach and what made it better, step by step.  I don't see a problem. I can't believe I just defended MC.