The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.

Luxman is releasing this fall a 95th anniversary integrated. It's style is from the late 1980's. No meters all buttons. Power wise it seems like the same as the 590AXII. World wide 300 of these integrated's will be built. 100 allocated to the US market. Price about $11,495. You can view it on the new Luxman website.

Showing 2 responses by plinko

Rman9, yes the Luxman class A integrateds move into AB beyond their rated class A power.  Such is why they can be used with power hungry speakers.  Even the non class A amps (509, for example) are class A up to a certain point.  The 509 is class A up to 6 watts.  I personally prefer AB more often than A.  Maybe you should also try a 509?

Rman9, good luck.  Hope you like the 595 and would be interested to hear what you think?