The guru on fuses:

For two years, I have asked why and how fuses could possibly matter. All I got was arguments of faith, pro or con. I needed a real audio guru who actually knows. Here is a link from John Curl’s discussion on Parasound’s website. He engineered and designed some some great equipment, including some Mark Levinson gear, The Grateful Dead’s 30 plus McIntosh amp powered Wall of Sound, and his admittedly, somewhat price compromised Parasound designs. He discusses the electrical properties of standard fuses, showing how they are compromised. The entire article is quite enlightening, but to skip to the fuse section, go to the bottom half of page 6.


Showing 8 responses by ricevs

When you point your finger at someone.....three are pointing back at you.  We are all a mirror for each other.  Please be kind.  Love yourself more.....the more you love yourself....the more you love everyone.  Do you want to be happy?  Do you want everyone to be happy?  I do.  
Stop looking outside yourself for confirmation of your own worth/knowledge/reality.  Be your own Guru.  Buy some $20 Create Audio fuses from Parts Connexion and listen.  Then you will know something.  All true knowledge is directly perceived by our senses.  Do not trust what anyone says.....including yourself.  Believe your experience.  More and more my experience shows me that everyone is beautiful and worthy of the infinite possibilities that are right in front of us.  Enjoy every second.  You are beautiful and loved......forever.
So, you have attended all blind fuse A/Bs in existence and they all had the same result?  Generally, those that do blind testing do not trust themselves and already think there is no difference.  Yes, I have done a couple of blind tests years ago and I and everyone there heard the same thing.  If you have a tweaky system and are "open' you can hear all you need to without blind tests.  As I say.....blind tests are for those that cannot hear.......or believe that they already know the answer.
You have a few 10s of people who constantly go to forums like this one and let everyone know that 'whatever" is snake oil.  These people are on a crusade to rid the world of snake oil.  What is really interesting is that 10s of thousands of audiophiles all over the world do not believe the rantings of these "snake oil killers".  Almost all of these people do not comment on these forums....they are busy listening to the incredible sound of their stereo (at least 40% of them with snake oiled systems).  This very day there are people buying fuses and I bet 90% of these people find them beneficial to the sound......

So, on one hand we have 10s of thousands of audiophiles who hear a beneficial sonic improvement with fuses and growing every day......and on the other hand we have 100 ranting "snake oil killers" who go on to every forum in the world........who mostly have never even tried an audiophile fuse..

Who would you trust?  A ton of people who listened and had a direct experience or a few people who mostly won't listen and rant?
Did you not read? As I said, I did participate in some blind tests....and EVERYONE at the tests passed the test.....We all heard the same one thought it sounded the same. I don’t need blind tests to tell differences....if you think you do, than that is fine. 99% of all audiophile audio tests are not blind.....magazines, individuals, etc. Jay does some blind tests for people on his thread on this forum.....most people hear the same differences....however his latest post has people preferring neither (split decision). However, practically none of the people who do his tests hear no difference.  Jay is afraid of fuses....but if he was not then he would do blind tests with fuses and you could hear for yourself the difference (sorry, I mean that they all sound the same....he he)
Millions?  Billions?  Now who is over the top here?

First generation master tapes on super modded tape machines running at high speed and double or quad speed DSD masters using the lastest tweakiest A/D and D/A converters are both very very close to reality.  Everything else is less good.

It speaks volumes that so many people trust their hearing enough that they don't bother with blind testing.  Again, blind testing is for those that don't believe in their ability to hear......they are not deaf....but believe they they need some kind of external "proof".  Trust your ability to hear differences.  
Who cares what others say and do......that is their business. If you want to experience reality......then you need to have a direct experience. Talking about something is is meaningless. Only direct experience is real. If you want to know about fuses, directionality, wire, or anything then you need to listen to have ANY real knowledge. This is how it always was and always will be. You cannot argue with my experience......I cannot argue with yours. Your and my experience is real.....for us individually. This is all that matters.......Do you want to be happy with your stereo? Then listen and make choices that make you happy. Pretty darn simple. If you are waiting for someone else to to verify your realiy......well, good luck with that.

So, again.....what you have is people who have direct experience (real knowledge) and those that don’t and want to argue (be right). i took this class in Jr. College called marriage and family. The first thing the prof did was draw a line on the chalk board straight across the whole thang. He wrote on the left side "ego" and on the other end of the line he wrote "agape". He said the farther you are on the line to the right the more happy you will be and the more successful you will be in everything you do. This is the basic truth for all life. The more you act from ego (righteousness, judgment, separation, fighting, being critical, chest pounding, etc.) the more unhappy you are and the more you come from agape (unconditional love, caring, sacrifice, telling the truth, wanting others to be happy) then the more happy you are and the more you make a difference to the happiness of others. Pretty darn simple. So, do you want to argue and be right or be happy and bless others? choose every second. You are powerful. You are deserve to be happy. Choose is more FUN!
blah blah blah blah, etc.  Only direct experience will give you any TRUTH.  Create Audio Fuses cost $20 from Parts Connexion.  You try, you like, you don't like, you hear a difference, you don't hear a difference.....but at least you guys just blah blah blah blah, till you die.  Not much truth or happiness in that game.  Have some your mind.....try something new.......the ego does not like likes the same thing over and over again.....define and defend.....that is what the ego does.  Whereas an open human tries new things and knows that "not knowing" is really fun......and sharing new things that you try is even more fun.  So, what are you sharing?.....your ego?.....or your soul?  The choice is yours....every second.   Thank you for listening to my sermon.....please come back next Sunday for another edition......however, it will say the same thing.....the only thing to say......which is, we are infinite, we are beautiful, we are love, we are joy.....and that is forever and ever......bless us all.