The Best kept Secret in Speaker Cables please?

Looking for the best kept secret in Speaker Cables, that is better than, Valhalas, Transparent Reference XL,
(((Please can't afford the Opus , I WISH )))
So lets say, costing less than $5k new. If you have tried these cables and found a speaker cable that is state of the art, fast-detailed-great lush voice-real violins-layers of bass.
Please I am ready to audition.
Thank you

Showing 2 responses by viggen

For the record, I don't believe Sonic_Genius needs to identify himself nor should he receive unsolicited clutter in his email box from merchants.
It is intersting how a person asking about the "best kept secret in Speaker Cables" himself is asking for recommendations under $5k and yet are comparable or better than Valhalas and Transparent shouldn't solicit the type of information that he is looking for other than a person with verybigamp making a fallous straw-man argument out of it.