The Beatles albums finally all remastered

4/7/09 to be released 09.09.09

Showing 4 responses by mapman

Hmm, I thought Yellow Sub was a nice improvement. I have a lead ear Beatles fanatic friend who even commented that he even heard things in "Its All Too Much" that he had never heard or noticed before. The "Love Love Love" harmonies in "All You Need is Love" also sounded lifelike and natural on here for the first time to me.

Granted there are some rough edges in these old recordings but I think that just may go with the territory.

We'll see. I hope they don't decide to gloss things over in the digital remix processing. I'd rather hear an edge if that's what is there.
You would think that if ever there was a project that had no excuses, and certainly no financial barriers for not getting it right, it would be this one.

We'll see......
"That should pretty much pay for the Heather Mills divorce for Paul. "

Good one!