
Does someone has an experience with SYNERGiSTIC RESEARCH GALILEO SX INTERCONNECT ?

the price new is around 9500 $.

what would be its "weaknesses"? What do you think about the bullets (gold and silver)?

is the sound natural/neutral?

is it better than stealth indra V10? nordorst valhalla 2 which are less expensive?

an alternative to stealth sakra V12/V16?

I Read some good reviews , but its difficult to find what real people think about it.

Thank you




Thank you Dicokrum

I've just bought my powercords gigawatt LS-2 EVO, and i think they are good, probably not the best but they are good.

Which Stage III Concepts model would you recommend ? Gorgon? Typhon ?

I own the Gorgon and love it!  I will say, when it arrive I was not happy!  I had removed a Purist 25th Anni XLR and inserted the Gorgon, which at the time felt like a step backwards.  Not now though!  The Gorgon took a long time to break-in.  You don’t see them on the used market so if you end up with a new one be patient, the rewards are there in time!