Switching to battery power


Has anybody switched their audio system either wholly or partially to battery power? I've read that some folks have had good results using Goal Zero power stations for doing this, but I'm sure a couple of quality deep cycle and good full wave inverter would work no?

Please share if you have tried it and what your finding were.

Pauly, Wrong. The amplifier section of every power amplifier you have ever listened to is powered by DC. The DC is supplied by it's power supply from whatever AC power you supply it. With a properly regulated power supply the quality of that AC power makes absolutely no difference. None, nada, zilch, zero.  If it does make a difference the power supply is not adequately regulated. It is pure lay instinct and totally incorrect to believe some additional power regulating device is needed. But is is a free country and you are entitled to believe all the silly mythology slathering the audio market.   
Pauly, Wrong. The amplifier section of every power amplifier you have ever listened to is powered by DC

Please just shut up. You said, and I quote you verbatim " You do not power the amplifier with a pure sine wave. You power it with pure DC." Now you’re trying to tell me you said the "amplifier section". You said no such thing

With a properly regulated power supply the quality of that AC power makes absolutely no difference. None, nada, zilch, zero.

I just tried it and it does. I trust my ears a lot more than the cr*p you post.

You don’t have anything of value to add, all you do is irritate those who try have a discussion to get some attention. Get lost.


obviously you continue to inhabit a Leibniz ‘best of all conceivable worlds’
To us lesser mortals, there are substantial audible and demonstrable benefits from cleaning up the AC via separate spurs, passive or active filtering and improvements to the earth connection. But then you seem to know how to perfectly regulate a power supply to make those efforts futile: more power to you!
But: until you tell us how, shut the f*** up!

The guy posted pictures of his "sound system". His amplifiers were sitting  on his speakers. I kid you not. I really, honest to God, kid you not.

Enough said.