Surround Sound Processor Pre-Amp Performance

I really do not want to have to incorporate surround sound processor and a stero pre-amp in my system as I'd rather have one piece that can do it all, (movies plus CD listening).

Would be interested in hearing feedback around which Processor delivers a great movie experience with little to no comprimise on the stero pre-amp part of the equation.

Is what I'm looking for futile, or is there a reasonalby priced, (under $6,500) processor out there that can deliver both??

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96

Showing 1 response by johnmcelfresh

The Meridian 568.2 is near that price (the 568.1 is <$3000 used) and, as an owner, I can attest to its sonic performance. Magnificent. Check the reviews - simply breathtaking. If it matters to you - it has been Stereophile rated Class A as both a preamp and processor.