Stereo or Home Theater?

What do Stereo-only people think about Home Theater, and what do Home Theater people think about Stereo-only. I perceive that there is quite a gulf in ideas about proper reproduction between these types. My take is that Home Theater is the new mid-fi, with Video as the centerpiece, and audio going along for the ride. Some think I am anachronist. What do you think?

Showing 1 response by ohlala

HT is the bastard sibling of stereo music. Personally, I don't find the DVD + rear projector to make for pleasant viewing, I am not in to film like I am in to music, and i just get bored watching movies at home. So I frequent the three great(one sports a bar:) theaters in the city that show independent films. -I usually have a few unused Blockbuster GCs running around from Xmas, etc. I send them to my Dad, the man loves movies.-