
Hey Guys,

What can i do to stop the following?

When ever i get up from the couch to flip the record or to remove a cd, i send a an insane shock through my system and i sweat every time it happens.

Is there something i can do to stop this?


One thing I do is wear cloth gloves..They come in handy keeping fingerprints off Vinyl and will also allow you to touch your controls without the snap of static.....
This winter I've had similar issues with static build-up on the record spindle and platter that occasionally discharges through the cartridge. You might trying running a separate ground wire that you can touch to yourself and to the record spindle and tonearm before changing a record.
I agree with all three replies so far. Run a humidifier, do NOT listen while wearing rubber soles, and I usually touch my metal rack before touching the tonearm or CDP.

One more thing I do is hit the mute button as I get up to change a recording.

The simplest solution...don't wear rubber soled footwear when listening. I only have socks on my feet when in the listening room! Never a shock.
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Get a humifier for the room your having issues...Just turn it off when listening to music..Winter dryness makes things worse..Once the weather warms up and you can open a window the problem will stop..Also don't drag your feet on the way to the Volume control........