Speed bumps as a cause of hearing loss.

Have any members driven over a "speed bump" (these are the elevated paved bumps to force you to drive slower)while listening to the car stereo and immediately noticed a hearing loss(distortion, high frequency loss and level decrease)? I am a chiropractor and can verify the fact that speed bumps will absolutely mis-align the tiny bones in the ear so music sounds terrible afterwards, write your city councilman about these. I have to slow to less than 5mph in order to prevent this governmental assault and battery.

Showing 1 response by westbankcards

Was hearing loss objectively evaluated by a hearing test? How does one evaluate "tiny bone" misalignment? MR? CT? What is proper alignment?

Is there any data to back up this thesis, or is it only a hypothesis?

One needs proof before writing one's councilman.

Just a cardiologist offering my thoughts on this issue. However, my non-audiophile ENT friend has definite concerns about hearing loss when listening to music at high volumes, which is a big concern of mine.