Speakers for Odyssey Stratos Extreme monos

I am looking for speakers for a 14' x 20' room that would sound good with Odyssey Stratos Extreme mono amps (glass ceiling). I listen to a lot of different music styles (mostly acoustic and vocals) as well as use my two channel system for watching movies, so I would like the speakers to be somewhat dynamic. I prefer a softer presentation rather than analytical. Any suggestions?
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Showing 1 response by ponnie

I agree with some of the points the other responders have made. I have had experience with several speakers that those amps sound wonderful with. Alon and the Odyssey amps are a very good match, giving a very refined sound. Magnepans do well with them too. I tried VonSweikerts (sp) VR3's with success as well. But you have to consider your room and other factors too. Alons in my opinion should be lifted @ least 6" off the floor. The Maggies (1.6's and most of the other models) benefit from lifting them off the floor. Even the VR3's sounded much better lifted off the floor and bass bloat was reduced. I have a small room 13' x 14' and lifting the speakers made the bass less bloated or fat. I sold my Alons 2 years ago and have regretted it since. I owned 2 Stratos amps and an ODL. I'd buy them again to use with any of the speakers above.