Speakers Corner QC?

We just finished opening and playing nine new Speakers Corner records.

- all nine came out of the sleeve covered with more dust than any record should see in its whole lifetime

- three or four were covered with loose vinyl shavings, one sliver is over 1" long

- three have chunks of unmelted vinyl(?) stuck to the grooves, two sound loudly and the third actually skips!

- one has a 4mm long scratch, very audible

The dealer is replacing the bad ones but it's a pain in the neck and I have to pay to mail them back. We've bought nearly a hundred Classic Records reissues and none of them had these problems. Is this normal for Speakers Corner?

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Doug, don't blame Speakers Corner for what DG did at the recording stage! I have had no real problems with any of the 30-40 Speakers Corner LPs I've bought; sounds like bad luck on your part.