Spam threads gone wild...

Hey moderators...There are exactly 20 spam threads right now. How about paying some attention to keeping these off the forums instead of censoring every harmless word that I say? 

Showing 2 responses by whart

Yeah, there were a lot last night too- for a while, some seemed to 'borrowing' language from the site (or maybe I'm imagining things) but the bots were 'learning' to imitate the substance --not very well. Last night, much was about fixing bad relationships through charms and voodoo remedies- not to be confused with our regular patter here. 
You'd think there would be a software filter for this that doesn't require moderators (poor Tammy) to play 'wack a mole.'
It is a distraction, and detracts from the quality of forum page(s). 
I just had a thought - that the spam may turn out to be a good thing. Any thread with the title magic or voodoo in it is likely to get deleted. We walk a narrow path here at the 'Gon. :)
Warning to manufacturers- do not call your latest product "love potion."