spade connector around post or 1 prong thru hole?

I just bought a pair of 989's and speaker cables with spade ends. The 989 manual does not say to straddle the posts or put one prong through the hole in the posts (the hole through the post, not the cylindrical hole inside the post). I searched the internet and found some speaker manuals say around/straddle the post (even though they do have a hole for bare wire connections), some say one prong through the post. Any recommendations out there, either 989 owners or in general? My spade does straddle the post fairly well, but not as "snuggly" as I would have thought. Also, same question for connection to the amp, which method gives the best connection/sound? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by samac


If the spade fits around the post I believe that is your best option. Some spades are too small to fit around the binding posts. In those cases one prong through the hole in the post would work. But I believe it is generally accepted that around the post is best. Hope this helps.
