Sonic Impressions: Vandersteen 5 vs 5A

Ladies and Gentle'gons

I have heard the Vandersteen model 5's at length and am redy to commit long term to the speaker and the designer. I can (at a stretch) go for the upgraded model 5A's but no pair is within a reasonable distance to audition. Can those who have heard both speakers describe the sonics of the 5A using the 5s as a benchmark? Your time is much appreciated.

Music First
Ag insider logo xs@2xmusicfirst

Showing 1 response by cam

I haven't upgraded my Model 5's yet, but if you haven't made a decision yet you should call Richard Vandersteen and ask him your question.

He will be more than happy to tell you exactly all the differences between the two versions and guide you in the correct direction.

You can always upgrade to the 5A later if you wish without having to send the whole speaker cabnet in to the factory.
