Six Moons charges for reviews?

I recently heard from an audio manufacturer that Srajan from 6 Moons requested payment to publish the company's review that was in-progress. I have used 6 Moons for many years believing them to be unbiased. It would be disappointing if this practice was widespread. Anyone know if this is "normal" business for reviewers? Have I just been naive? It would not be the first time.

Showing 2 responses by charles1dad

I've had the opportunity to hear enough of 6 Moons reviewed components to trust their impressions, no integrity issues in my opinion. Srajan in particular has no problems pointing out negative findings or providing a word of caution regarding components. He gives much effort and time to direct competitor component comparisons and stating the differences (some other sites/magazines shy away from this aspect). Their audio reviews are some of the most informative and complete that I have read. I wish them the best.