Should I Brush My Cartridge After Each Use?

I use a Shure M97xE cartridge with the dynamic stabilizer brush down on the front. It seems that the brush picks up at least a little dust after almost every record. When it gets dusty, I use the supplied brush in front- and back-strokes across the stabilizer brush and stylus to get the dust off. Is it ok to do this after each side of a record? Will I do damage to the stylus or the cartridge?

Showing 1 response by david_berry

After each record side, I brush with the supplied stylus brush that came with my Dynavector. Always from back to front about 2-3 times. Every 2 days or so, I do the simple Magic Erasure cleaning.
Oh, and I also clean each side of the record just prior to playing with a carbon fibre brush.