Shipping by UPS

I have two Rythmik F12 subs on the way from Texas. Do I let them deliver them to the house or hold them at the distribution center and pick them up from there. I figure I will eliminate them from handling by two times but then I get to wrestle them in and out of my truck at about 85# each. The boxes always look pretty beat up when show up at the house and I’ve had stuff that was double boxed damaged. What to do. 
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Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

As a former UPS employee (local sorter then driver) I can say that most damage occurs locally and not during a long distance haul.
It’s rarely the driver’s fault. It’s the guys inside the plant who load and unload the package cars for local deliveries. Their crew is timed by a supervisor to meet a quota.
This possible damage can be avoided if you pick up your package at the UPS in your area, and I don’t mean a UPS store.

It’s true FedEx hires independent contractors. They wear the company shorts and drive a FedEx truck but each driver owns his own business and routes. Being on the road with nobody to answer to makes for a a lack of pride in their work.