Shindo Masseto + Coincident Frankenstein versus Nagra 300i integrated

For a while, I have been saving up to buy a Shindo preamp to complete my system (Devore O96, AMR DP-777, Coincident 300b Frankensteins).
I am now ready to buy a Shindo preamp, but now suddenly I feel the itch to completely change my system (sell the Franks), and go for a Nagra 300i.
I had once heard a Nagra 300i connected to the O93 and it was heavenly. Also it would feel good to replace 3 boxes (2 mono amps, 1 preamp) with a single integrated amp. I am big fan of minimalism.
But is this a sonically correct move?
Or should I wait for my itch to subside and go for that Shindo preamp ?
The retail price of both options are the same, around 20K.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

As a Shindo owner, I'm very happy with my Monbrisson, but I guess my tastes these days favor musical flow and a "right" midrange over detail and the other audiophile buzzwords.  I think you are looking at two different sonic presentations, each of them quite good.  The question I guess is which way do you want to go--was the sound of the Nagra something you could live with long-term?  Are you looking for a change in the sound you have?