SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,

Showing 4 responses by twl

God has something to say about this. "Seek My face, Humble yourselves in prayer, Turn from your wicked ways, And I will heal your land." These are His simple conditions in the Bible, for the Blessing we all seek. Can we comply? If we truly seek His Blessing, then we should all try our best to meet His conditions for it. It would surely go better for us if we all did. His Divine protection is what we need at this dangerous time in history. The way is simple and defined, if we would only follow it. Many would say that it is impossible, but sincere efforts will not go unnoticed. It is a 2-way street. If we want the Blessing, we must follow His instructions. God Bless America!
Without trying to get into a big political mess over this, there is a boatload of evidence that the Federal gov't had mucho prior knowledge that this event was going to take place, and did nothing to stop it. Why that may be is up for discussion, but there are even lawsuits filed by FBI agents who tried to warn the Justice Dept. and were ignored. The lawyer representing them, is the same guy who prosecuted Clinton in the House impeachment proceedings. I can't remember his name. He even went to Ashcrofts office to warn him, and they said that they wouldn't see him. These 3 FBI agents are now filing suit for ignoring them and failing to protect the American people. These same FBI agents were told that if they said anything about being ignored they would be arrested under national security violations. Now tell me that something isn't terribly wrong.
Hey 6chac, we all love each other on this site, whether some have some disagreements or not. That is what I really like about it here. I can stick my foot in my mouth, and still not make any enemies, even if I can count on getting put in my place! :^)
For the sake of courtesy, and the good of the site, I am going to let that subject lay, Pablo.