SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,

Showing 3 responses by nrchy

I'd add to paulwp's list, pray for the fatherless children who were left that way because their parents were murdered last year on 9/11. Tom couldn't be more right about his advice, but how can a nation who has chased God out of the public arena now ask Him for blessing. My wife has sex with me because we have a relationship outside of the bedroom too. God is not a prostitute!
6chac, God is not male or female, and there can only be one God. Since His own word uses masculine pronouns I feel no need to bend to the whims of political corectness. I'm not sure I understand your question because you obviously mistyped it.
It's hard to argue with the statement that as a nation we delude ourselves into thinking we are both strong and safe. Poland allowed herself to be caught unaware. Everyone knew what was happening in Germany, Hitler made no pretense about rearming. He claimed to be "catching up" but we saw the result of that. I'm almost afraid to say this for being accused of antisemitism; which I deny, but the Jews have been persecuted so many times in their history they assumed this was just another burden to bear. They ignored Hitlers obvious and stated intentions to their own detriment. The point of all this is to say: we as a nation have done the same things with enemies internal and external.
I hope and pray that those who died last year did not die in vain. We need to wake up!