Scout cartridge and phone preamp recommendations

First post...

I've just started to compile my first serious stereo, and my first purchase was the VPI Scout which I am very excited about. Now, I don't have a heck of a lot of money left for a while, so amp and speakers will probably not come for a while. So my goal is to get decent cartridge, cables and a cheap but decent phone pre amp that I can hook up to my headphones so I can still enjoy my record collection somewhat in the meantime.

As for cartridge I'm leaning towards Dynavactor 10x5 or Benz MC-20e2. I'm in that 300 dollar class.

When it comes to preamp, I'm less certain. I was thinking of going a Bellari like VP129 or VP530. But they don't support MC cartridges do they? I'm well aware that Bellari preamps are not exactly on the same scale as the my Scout, but again, this is just a pressing financial issue.

For cables I'm looking at Audioquest's King Cobra.


Showing 1 response by krell1

Interconnects will affect the sound as it is in the chain but if it is those vs. cartridge then put more towards the cartridge. Dynavector is what VPI recommend and use most.